Join the Global Movement of Thought Leaders
Become a member of the exclusive World Brain Academy and learn from our world-renowned faculty Become a MemberLearn More¿How do we use our brains?

Cognitive skills
Less than 40% of the workforce has critical thinking skills, according to the global study conducted by Payscale in 2016 with 63,924 human resource managers

Divergent creativity

Problem solving
In the same study conducted by Payscale (2016), 60% of managers claimed that new graduates do not have good critical thinking and problem solving skills
Our core purpose

Creating a mentally literate world

Develop global thinking leaders
Our Faculty

Raymond Keene
Chairman and professor

Dominic O'Brien

Tony Buzan
Dean Faculty and professor
The late Tony Buzan was the inventor of Mind Mapping, which is used by more than 250 million people around the world. He is our inspiration for propelling his vision for creating a mentally-literate world.

Jorge Castaneda
CEO and professor

Chris Day
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Learning Journeys
The learning journeys are divided into three categories (Thinking Skills, Creativity and Learning) and three tiers by category. The second tier of each category comprises an advanced program / certification as a user of the methodologies. The third tier includes the certification as instructor. Participants who complete this degree become official instructors of the World Brain Academy.



Foundation Course
Learn how to acquire the key competencies of critical thinking, problem solving and other core thinking skills.
Foundation Course
Understand how to unleash your creative potential by learning key techniques that use the brain in the way it is supposed to be used.
Learning Fundamentals
Understand the process of “learning how to learn” and discover how you could learn any skill or knowledge for a lifetime.
Thinking Mastery Program
Become a Thinking Master by learning and practicing advanced thinking techniques and the process for building an intelligent memory.
Certification in Applied Creativity
Become certified in applied creativity and formulate projects, guided by our expert mentors, for generating significant returns on investment.
Learning How to Learn Program
Become certified in “learning how to learn” and apply this process in your organization or personal life though a world-class framework.
Thinking skills Instructor
Become a licensed instructor in Thinking Skills and its core methodologies, such as Mind Mapping, and offer courses and workshops to your clients.
Applied Creativity Instructor
Become a licensed instructor in Applied Creativity and offer workshops, courses and consulting services to your clients.
Learning How to Learn Instructor
Become a licensed intructor in Learning How to Learn and offerworkshops, courses and consulting services to your clients.
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